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Peter Soppa, der offizielle Medienvertreter des Auswanderermuseums BallinStadt/Hamburg, ist dieses Wochenende zu Besuch in Arizona und wird am Sonntag, den 5. Oktober aus Anlass der Jahresfeier des deutschamerikanischen Tages eine Präsentation über das Auswanderermuseum geben. Wir laden euch herzlich ein dieser einmalige Gelegenheit im Klubhaus des Westbrook Village Vistas in Peoria (18823 N. Country Club Pkwy., 1km östlich von der Union Hills Ausfahrt des 101-Nordwestrings auf der Nordseite) beizuwohnen. Türen öffnen um 16Uhr. $5 Eintritt. Familien sind willkommen; es gibt auch eine Vorführung der Arizona Funken.
Wir freuen uns über Euer zahlreiches Erscheinen.

Euer AC4GC Team

Anbei Information über BallinStadt:
BallinStadt – Emigration World Hamburg
The "Port of Dreams – BallinStadt – History of Emigration Hamburg" is an emigration museum which is unique in Europe. Situated on the historic location in Hamburg where the "Emigrant's Halls" once stood, the story of more than five million emigrants is movingly told here. Persons who left their homes between 1850 and 1934 via the Port of Hamburg on their journey to start a new life in America. 81 % of them went to the United States – today, around every fifth American has German "roots."
The Emigration World Hamburg gives visitors a comprehensive, moving look at the phenomenon of mass emigration. All of the stages of emigration are understandably presented – from leaving home, through the strenuous journey, up to arrival and settling in the New World. In addition to fascinating photos of the various stages to a new life, the exhibit also clearly shows what induced persons to leave their homes in the first place.
BallinStadt – A Living Museum
Located on historic grounds, the 7-acre "BallinStadt" is a place filled with emotion where history comes alive. The history of emigration via the Port of Hamburg is also the history of Europe. A history filled with hopes, fears and dreams that are just as valid today as they were so many years ago.
Hamburg has dedicated the "BallinStadt" to these emigrants and named it after Albert Ballin, former General Director of the HAPAG world's largest shipping line. Between 1901 and 1907, Ballin had a city constructed specially for emigrants, which in addition to sleeping and dining facilities also offered businesses, churches, a synagogue, shops, a hair-dressers and a music pavilion.
Family Research Center
The Family Research Center, which the "BallinStadt" has jointly established with ancestry.com, is the scientific core of the exhibition. Here, persons researching their ancestry can trace their roots. Trained genealogical specialists can assist in researching and constructing a family tree. The ship's passenger lists offer a wealth of information about the emigrants who departed via Hamburg and are an invaluable source of information for family researchers.

Wenn Ihr diese Einladung zum ersten Mal erhaltet, möchten wir Euch darauf hinweisen, dass es unser Ziel ist, deutschsprachige Geschäftsleute (aktiv oder inaktiv) zum "Networking" und zum geselligen Beisammensein auf geschäftlicher Basis einzuladen.  Unsere Idee ist, diese Treffen in der deutschen Sprache zu pflegen, eine Kontaktliste zusammenzustellen, sowie deutsche Unternehmen in Arizona besser kennenzulernen und diese soweit wie möglich auch zu unterstützen. Nicht vergessen, Eure Visitenkarten und Marketingmaterialien mitzubringen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, AZBiznetz Team.

This is the Invitation for the German Speaking Business Meeting and AC4GC.
Therefore the invitation is in german. For all other events the invitations will be in english. Movie Nights have english subtitels, Springfest, Oktoberfest and Christkindl Markt are presented in english.

For more infomation about our meetings please visit: www.ac4gc.org

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